Why President hotels?

More than 20 years of experience

Best price guarantee

Availability 24/7

Very experienced staff

Attention to detail

Commitment to quality

Quick response

Secure payment

Outstanding customer service

Exceptional service

Attractive location


Flexible reservations


Best online rate guarantee


When you book your stay directly on our official website, you will be guaranteed:

  • The lowest rate possible for your stay
  • The most flexible cancellation terms
  • Direct contact with our reservations specialists to help with your reservation
  • Access to the most competitive additional service offer 
  • Fast and easy amendments or cancellations
  • If the hotels need to upgrade some guests, priority will go to our website customers


If you find a lower qualifying rate within 24 hours of making your reservation, we will match the lower rate plus extend a further 5% discount on your rate.




We guarantee the best available rate when you book a room through an official President Hotels website. If you find a lower publicly available rate elsewhere within 24 hours of making your booking, we will match the lower rate plus extend a further 5% discount on your rate. Best available rate guarantee is subjected to the following terms and conditions:

Reservations must be made through President Hotels official websites.

The Lower Rate must be for the same type of accommodation, which means the same room type, at the same hotel, with the same dates and length of stay, same number of guests, with a same view and room size, same designation as either refundable or non-refundable, same advance payment policies and the same terms and conditions governing the room rate.

Rate comparison will be made net of any taxes, gratuities or any other fees associated with the room rate.

A room price that includes benefits such as food and beverage items, spa items and/or other benefits bundled together is considered a package. Package prices can only be claimed if the rate found on other websites offers the exact same inclusions at a lower price.

President Hotels reserves the right to deny a claim, if it cannot independently verify the availability of a Lower Rate at the time it processes the claim. The Lower Rate must be bookable on another website. Advertised or inquiry only rates do not qualify.

The Best Rate Guarantee does not apply to existing reservations that are not booked through a President Hotels official website, and President Hotels is not responsible for any fees associated with cancelling a reservation made through a different channel.

President Hotels reserves the right to amend, revise, supplement, suspend or discontinue the Best Rate Guarantee program and the terms and conditions at any time in its sole discretion and without prior notice.

Our Best Rate Guarantee does not apply to the following:

Reservations booked via non-President Hotels websites
Hotel packages or travel packages that may include hotel, airfare, car rental, food and beverage offers or other similar packages or amenities
Discount or negotiated rates not available to the general public, including but not limited to membership rates, corporate, government, promotional, unpublished, packaged or opaque rates; group or other specially negotiated rates or rates available on closed membership sites; or rates attained through the use of third-party discount codes or coupons

Rates quoted on direct mail or electronic mail solicitations

Rates valid for extended stays beyond twenty (20) consecutive nights.
Reservations made within 24 hours of arrival
Rate disparities due to fluctuations, rounding or differences in currency exchange rates. A small price difference of 0.5% or less of the total booking value due to currency conversions is not eligible for our Best Rate Guarantee claim. 


You must complete and submit a claim form in accordance with the instructions to process the claim. 

Please submit a Best Rate Guarantee claim form:

Please fill in the lowest price guarantee application form

Contact information

Booking details Hotel President

Details of the comparative offer

Additional notes


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